Robots hand typing on a typewriter

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field of computer science and engineering focused on the development of intelligent machines that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as understanding natural language, recognizing images and patterns, making decisions, and learning from experience.

How can AI Tech be used in journalism?

AI will not replace the important work of journalists to put what is happening in the world into context. But AI can be harnessed in journalism as a form of technological assistance for editorial activities, decision-making, and boosting productivity. AI technology has a range of applications along the entire process of content creation and the potential to transform journalism by enhancing productivity, accuracy and content quality, enabling journalists to create more engaging content, and providing readers with a more personalized and relevant news experience.

The Journalistic Production Process

The journalistic production process can be divided into three phases: research, production, and distribution. AI can be used in each of these phases to assist journalists in their work.

In the research phase, journalists search for relevant topics by observing events, evaluating sources, using news agencies and press releases, or through social media monitoring. They research, select, and verify information. AI can help journalists in their research by automatically sifting through large amounts of data and identifying patterns and connections that humans may miss. AI-powered tools can for example monitor social media and other online sources to identify emerging trends and breaking news.

In the production phase, journalists create new content with a focus on media type, presentation format, and target audience. They present, aggregate, and comment on information. AI can assist journalists in the production phase by providing suggestions for headlines, summarizing articles, and even generating complete articles based on data and trends. AI can also be used to fact-check information and identify potential biases.

In the distribution phase, the created content is shared and engagement metrics are measured. AI can help journalists in this phase by recommending the best channels for sharing content based on the target audience and analyzing engagement metrics to determine the effectiveness of a distribution strategy.

AI is the major technological driver of journalistic innovation

Importance of AI in journalism

We learned: Journalistic innovation is being driven by Artificial Intelligence (AI), which has the potential to transform the way news is researched, produced, and distributed. By automating mundane tasks and providing journalists with advanced analytical tools, AI can enhance productivity, accuracy and content quality.

According to a survey on journalism and AI in 2019, 71 media organizations across 32 countries cited more efficient newsroom organization, targeted content offerings for the audience, and cost-effective personnel and content management as the main reasons for integrating AI.

In an international survey of 227 decision-makers in media companies from 2020, 69% considered AI the major technological driver of journalistic innovation in the coming years.

AI application in German journalistic newsrooms

A representative survey of the German population in 2021 (n=1035) showed that the use of AI and autonomous algorithmic processes in journalistic newsrooms is viewed critically. Many citizens called for strong regulation of AI in journalism, including independent labeling and certification of AI systems. Nonetheless, certain tasks like identifying manipulated images and videos, fact-checking, and personalized news recommendations were deemed better suited for AI, while human journalists were seen as more competent in the creative process of text creation and social interaction with the audience.

A 2020 survey among 385 German journalists revealed that over 60% of respondents had never used AI technology, with less than 20% having interacted with it.

TL;DR: AI can be used throughout all three phases of the journalistic production process to assist journalists in their work. Media decision makers consider AI as the most important driver of innovation in journalism. However, readers view AI in journalistic newsrooms critically and only few German journalists have hands-on experience with AI.

“An introduction to AI in the news domain” is the first part of our series News Snippet Generation. A Learning Journey on Open Source Large Language Models and how to assist journalists with generative AI in German.

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